Breath Lab

Holistic Behavioral Health
“What is the origin of this world?
Space, said he. Verily, all things here arise out of space. They disappear back into space, for space alone is greater than these, space is the final goal.”— Chāndogyopaniṣad 1.9.1-1.9.2
Practicing YOGA is a way to CREATE SPACE inside the human experience. We practice CREATING SPACE with our breath and activating that SPACE with our breath.
The Breath Lab offers YOGA classes for humans across the spectrum.
enhance sleep – increase focus – practice healthy breathing – relax body & mind – aid digestion – decrease inflammation – moderate symptoms of anxiety, trauma & depression – navigate chronic pain – increase energy – support addiction recovery – develop insight & awareness – regulate emotions – move with confidence & intention – cultivate a healthy nervous system
Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy is an individualized, assessment based intervention that supports work toward embodied well-being by utilizing thousands of years of Yoga and Ayurvedic tools, technologies and philosophy coupled with contemporary western scientific research to address a broad range of physical, mental, behavioral, emotional and spiritual issues.
Yoga Philosophy
Yoga Philosophy offers a cognitive framework that leads to vibrant and vital bodies and minds, deep and long-lasting contentment and a peacefully interconnected life. Classes explore foundational theory including Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali, the Guṇa-s, 5 Elements of Nature and encourages student centered awareness and self-discovery within the context of our modern world
Group Practice
In-Person and Online led Group Classes offered to ALL levels of practitioners. Classes integrate movement, breath and visualization tools to support Holistic Wellness, management of stress and toward overall enhanced quality of life experiences.

Amanda B'Hymer
Holistic Behavioral Health Practitioner
Amanda began professional work as a facilitator, teacher and guide in 1995. She has been professionally engaged in life-long, experiential, environment-based learning teaching in public schools, facilitating social service programs, guiding the Montessori method and leading Health and Wellness classes.
Amanda is passionate in her dedication to share the Therapeutic Yoga perspective as modality toward a more connected, embodied life experience. She is certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists, the Optimal State Yoga Therapy Training School and Yoga Alliance to guide: Yoga and Mental Health, Yoga and Physical Health, Yoga and Ayurveda and Yoga Nidrā practices in the traditions of T. Krishnamacharya, T.K.V. Desikachar and Dr. Amy Wheeler.
Amanda is the founder of the JTSP: Breath Lab, with over 2,500 hours of experience facilitating individual and group Yoga Therapy classes. She is also proprietor of Grateful Desert Apothecary ~ Joshua Tree’s primary Health and Wellness shop.
Amanda has completed over 1,500 hours of Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist Training and professional development courses including:
- Yoga Therapist and Lifestyle Wellness Counselor, Optimal State Yoga Therapy School, Dr. Amy Wheeler
- Yoga Nidrā Facilitator, Optimal State Yoga Nidra, Dr. Amy Wheeler
- Yoga Philosophy and Chanting, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandrian
- Yoga Sūtra-s Study, Healing Yoga Foundation, Kate Holcombe
- 500 RYT, Anusara Hatha, YTT, Yoga Bliss, Jenn Lucene-Smith
- Restorative YTT, Yoga International Cyndi Lee
University Studies:
- Urban Communities and Environment, Antioch University Los Angeles
- American Feminist Literature and History, University of Washington
- AmeriCorps, Education Reform and Service Learning, Western Washington University, Bellingham Public Schools
From 2006, Amanda has lived and worked in Joshua Tree, California alongside a menagerie of cats, dogs, birds, lizards, snakes, humans, bunnies, insects and flora of all kinds.
Would You Like to Know More?
If you are curious about ways YOGA may help to alleviate challenges and enhance all the layers of your HUMAN EXPERIENCE, this is the form for you.
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