Living Lab

Humans Have Landed
“There was a time before television, before motion pictures, before radio, before books. The greatest part of human existence was spent in such a time. Over the dying embers of the campfire, on a moonless night, we watched the stars.”
― Carl Sagan, Cosmos
The vast SPACE-scape of the Mojave invites all beings to live in tune with the practical resources of PLANET EARTH.
The Living Lab offers off-grid, solar powered, inside /outside experiential opportunities. We experiment with ecotechnology and explore mindful daily living practice toward a lighter impact on this Star Base home.
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The Mojave Desert landscape challenges our concepts of SPACE and may inspire EPIC JOURNEYS and CREATIVE INSIGHT into the deepest versions of self.
Living Lab
Captain's Log
anemptytextllineTroy of the Queens likes to move to the groove. One of his responsibilities in...
anemptytextllineDream living in the Mojave Desert includes off-grid, solar powered electricity. As part of the...
anemptytextllineMichael Crawley of Valley Eyewear sent Hutch a message asking if he’d like to collaborate...
anemptytextllineThe challenge of miking Jack White: He plays a 3 snare set-up for The Dead...